Nokia meldet fuer Q3 Verkaeufe von 10.3 Milliarden Euro

22.10.2010 Informationsquelle

Nokia hat die Zahlen für das dritte Quartal 2010 präsentiert. Hier die Highlights in englischer Sprache:

  • Nokia net sales of EUR 10.3 billion, up 5% year-on-year and 3% sequentially (down 2% and up 1% at constant currency). 
  • Devices & Services net sales of EUR 7.2 billion, up 4% year-on-year and 6% sequentially (down 5% and up 2% at constant currency). 
  • Services net sales of EUR 159 million, up 7% year-on-year and 1% sequentially; billings of EUR 325 million, up 89% year-on-year and 10% sequentially. 
  • Nokia total mobile device volumes of 110.4 million units, up 2% year-on-year and down 1% sequentially. 
  • Nokia converged mobile device (smartphone and mobile computer) volumes of 26.5 million units, up 61% year-on-year and 10% sequentially.

22.10.2010, Providerliste Admin