Der grosse Domain Registrar DOTSTER feiert seinen siebten Geburtstag. Zur Feier des siebten Jahres gibt es an einzelnen Tagen entsprechende Aktionen für Domain Registrationen:
- February 2 $7 new .com, .net, .org, .biz and .us domains. No limit, no catch, nothing else to buy.
- February 3 - 9 $.77 .infos. No limit.
- February 10 - 16 Buy one year of hosting get the second year for only $7.
- February 17 - 23 Buy any Custom Site web design, and get 1 year of hosting and domain registration for only $7.
- February 24 - 28 $.77 .infos, second year of hosting for only $7 and $7 hosting and domain with a Custom Site purchase—you choose.